Role of AI in HR by Gargi Pathak
By-Gargi Pathak

The era we are living in owes a lot to digitalization. The constantly upgrading tools and technologies have made our lives a lot easier while keeping in pace with the ever changing market dynamics. When it comes to the recent trends and prospects with reference to organisational functioning, Artificial Intelligence has a major role to play. Ranging from day – to – day operations to major decision making, data along with meaningful analysis is the foundation of each and every department in the organisation.

While a number of definitions of artificial intelligence (AI) have been formulated over the last few decades, John McCarthy offers the following definition in his 2004 paper, ” It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.” From this definition, it is quite clear that this particular technology which is well-known as AI, has been developed to ease the processes undertaken by humans to a certain level. It allows a data-driven approach to dominate the major section of functioning, ranging from daily operations to prominent decisions. When it comes to human resource management, it can be applied in varied ways to streamline processes while improving efficiency. 

Uwe Hohgrawe, lead faculty for Northeastern’s Master of Professional Studies in Analytics program explains that “we as humans see the information in front of us and use our intelligence to draw conclusions. Machines are not intelligent, but we can make them appear intelligent by feeding them the right information and technology.” If the current scenario is observed, a lot of companies are adopting the latest tools as well as technologies into their human resource department. 

According to an International Research Journal of Engineering and technology, AI integration into HR will improve organisations, as AI applications can help HR professionals in making better decisions through analysing, predicting, and diagnosing.

When it comes to managing the human resource, it becomes a crucial task to maintain a balance between human touch and tech-savvy approach. Furthermore, the HR domain serves as a vital part of any organisation which makes it a key area to be updated as and when possible. With the advent of use of virtual means to find candidates, conduct interviews and hire employees, it was found that such means are indeed easing out the complicated process of managing people throughout the process. Not only this, such practices also reduce the probability of human error to a significant extent. 

In general terms, artificial intelligence and its installation is a one-time investment that yields returns by saving time as well as resources. The systems run purely on the information fed by applying machine learning algorithms to the data available. Hence, when HR functions are considered, AI contributes to the following:

  • Recruitment and onboarding
  • Maintaining effective employee engagement
  • Analysis of employee efficiency by studying the past behaviour and character traits of an individual
  • Better administration of employee benefits
  • Better decision making
  • Empowering workforce analytics
  • Increase in productivity by understanding skills supply and demand
  • Automation of tasks

While all the aspects portray the role of AI into HR in a positive light, there do exist certain limitations that turn out to be challenging for HR professionals.The primary concern highlights the security and privacy of data used. Additionally, 31 percent of respondents in Oracle’s survey expressed that they would rather interact with a human in the workplace than a machine. 

“People will need to be aware of ethical and privacy questions when using this technology,” Hohgrowe says. “In human resources, [AI] can involve using sensitive information to create sensitive insights.”


At BASICBUZZ, we use AI driven automated interviews that are based on highly trained applications to analyse the voice modulation, facial expressions and confidence of a potential candidate. Moreover, chat bots are also deployed to make the task easier for people visiting our website. And also there will be a dedicated chatbot for recruitment is under development and we will be launching soon. In addition to this, we are progressive enough as we have designed a virtual office wherein our employees can take the real-time experience of sitting in a proper seating. Such initiatives not only engage our human capital, but also makes administration easier.

Hence, as a conclusion it can be observed that a majority of organisations are deploying artificial intelligence into human resource management. However, the inclination towards high-end technology also comes along with certain challenges related to confidentiality of information used. These need to be addressed by the future managers and taken care of by decision makers. An optimum level of AI interference is preferable, but going beyond a certain limit may harm.


Few References:

Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management

Understand The Role Of AI In HR in 2022

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